Here's who we are... Health in Hand Inc. is a natural health care business. Naturopaths Martha Whitney and her son Noah Whitney partner with clients, giving hopeful outlets that enable the healing process. The goal is to empower clients to understand the cause of dis-ease. We believe the primary cause of disease is toxicity and poor nutrition. Toxicity comes in lots of "packages" even emotional, mold, mycotoxins, foods, bio-toxins, tap water contaminants, etc...
Finding the cause is the first step towards wellness. What is Naturopathy? Naturopathy recognizes an inherit self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent. Naturopathic professionals act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process. Naturopathic professionals teach how to identify and remove any underlying cause of illness and dis-ease, rather than suppress the symptoms. A foundational belief in Naturopathy comes from Hippocrates which states, "First do no harm", this means Naturopaths strive to use simple and effective therapies that have little to no side-effects, and acknowledge, respect, and work with the client's own, individual healing process. Naturopathic professionals view themselves as teachers, educating clients and encouraging self-responsibility for their health. We have seen many "chronic diseases" cleaned up. To God be the glory for the great things He has done! See "Therapies & Services" for details of services provided. Business Hours Mon-Thurs 9:00am to 5:00pm Call us for an Appointment! (256) 482-2801 |
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Martha Whitney ND, MH, NRT Muscle Testing Practitioner, & EDS technician

Martha is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor. Her training includes skills as a Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner, EDS & EVOX Homeopathic Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Iridologist, Colon Hydrotherapist, and Emotion Code. Martha has been using natural remedies all of her life and was the only health care provider for her 10 children.
Martha believes that knowing the cause of "dis-ease" is the pathway to cure.
In 2002 she opened Health in Hand after receiving a specific “calling” into the natural health care field. She has been pursuing it full time ever since. The first modality she will use with all first time clients as well as most return clients will be Nutrition Response Testing NRT (see more info under Therapies and Services). Other analysis modalities include EDS Electo-dermal screening also referred to as comprehensive, computerized, energetic bio-surveys. With EDS she uses two different machines, the Zyto Elite and the Asyra. With NRT, a muscle tesing response system, she simply uses her hands. She also employs several different emotional modalities. A variety of detox therapies are available as well.

Noah Whitney ND, Dip.H.Ir. Neuro-Feedback Practitioner
Noah Whitney is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, a Diplomate Of Holistic Iridology and a member of the International College of Iridology. Noah performs many services including; Neurofeedback, Thyroid Reflex Testing, Iris analysis and Bio-communication via the Zyto Select. Noah has a passion for Integrative and preventative Health and a desire to teach others how to improve their health naturally.
Noah Whitney is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, a Diplomate Of Holistic Iridology and a member of the International College of Iridology. Noah performs many services including; Neurofeedback, Thyroid Reflex Testing, Iris analysis and Bio-communication via the Zyto Select. Noah has a passion for Integrative and preventative Health and a desire to teach others how to improve their health naturally.