Dental Health

Heavy Metal/Mercury Detox

    Our bodies are so overloaded with heavy metals from toxic mercury amalgam fillings and increasingly higher concentrations of various metals in the atmosphere. Heavy Metal/Mercury Detox is a necessary process that removes the Mercury in the body and so enables the body to begin to heal itself and recover from degenerative diseases.
Health In Hand offers a very effective heavy metal detox protocol that can be used once the mercury fillings have been replaced.  Replacing mercury fillings needs to be performed in a safe manor by a dentist trained in mercury removal.

Importance Of Amalgam Mercury Metal Removal

  • Mercury is released out of every silver filling immediately upon placement and continues to release mercury through the filling in vapor and gas form.  The problem here is that mercury vapor crosses the blood-brain barrier which causes neurological destruction.
  • Every amalgam filling placed in your teeth contains 43%-55% pure elemental mercury.
  • Scientific documentation has demonstrated that there is an absorption rate of 80% or more of inhaled mercury vapor.
  • Latest scientific facts from autopsies show the number of amalgam fillings in the mouth correlates with the amount of mercury found in the brain tissue, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal glands and kidneys. Also, lesions on the brain and in the spinal column where discs literally fused together from the mercury. Science has well documented that mercury causes various metabolic physiologic changes in living tissue and organs, including SUPPRESSION OF THE IMMUNE FUNCTION.
  • Science has shown that chronic exposure to minute doses of mercury will cause an accumulation of mercury to occur during the life time of the organism. This is due to the slow rate of elimination of mercury from the body.  Mercury has an affinity for brain tissue, due to the high fat content, and is typically stored in excess when it crosses the blood-brain barrier.         This is not good news for you or your children.
  • Mercury and its various compounds cross the placental membrane in concentrated measure and are taken up by the embryo and fetus. There is evidence that the fetal brain levels of mercury are 30% greater than maternal blood levels of mercury.
  • Significant quantities of mercury can be passed to the nursing child through the mother’s milk.
  • Mercury can produce diseases of insidious onset which may be delayed as much as 20 years or more from initial exposure (body threshold is the key).  We call this toxic body burden.
  • High levels of mercury found in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims. 

The above info was provided by Dr. Tom Lokensgard.

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